What is the Worst Drug Rehab Advice? - The Discovery House Los Angeles CA
What is the Worst Drug Rehab Advice?

What is the Worst Drug Rehab Advice?

Getting help for drug or alcohol addiction through drug rehab is a good thing. It signifies the willingness to get your life back on track and take control of your body. The rehabilitation process is a grueling one and a patient needs all the support he or she can possibly get from friends and family. However, with all the positive energy and encouragement to go and get registered in a residential alcohol treatment center, it is possible to get very bad advice before the program even commences.

What is the Worst Drug Rehab Advice?

We will be taking a look at some of the pieces of bad advice that one could get when learning about residential alcohol treatment centers.

You Can Leave Right After Drug Detox or Alcoholism Detox

Can I Leave Right After Drug Detox or Alcoholism Detox?

This is one of the most terrible pieces of advice that one could ever get prior to checking into residential alcohol treatment centers. Most drug programs are designed to last for a specified number of weeks or months. Healthcare professionals in intensive outpatient treatment and psychologists alike carefully calculate the schedule for the program because they have extensively studied the phases of rehabilitation.

People suffering from alcohol addiction often hate the fact that they would have to spend any number of weeks in a rehabilitation center and often want to leave the moment they start to feel better. This should be discouraged, because even though you feel better physically, you still have a lot of work to do emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

The programs at The Discovery House are designed not just to help you recover from your addiction, but to create a safe space for long-term recovery to set in. When it comes to residential alcohol treatment centers, it is best to stick with the program and see it through. The entire program may seem tiring and frustrating, but the results will be worth it in the end.

Go to Meetings Every day

Do I Have To Go To Addiction Support Meetings Every Day?

This piece of advice is often loosely given by friends or family member who in an effort to try to make you feel better after being sent to drug rehab. They will often tell the individual that he or she does not have to attend every single group meeting.

The group meetings in residential alcohol treatment centers are designed to help the patients to become comfortable with the fact that they are in recovery. It can get quite tough after the rehabilitation program when the individual is trying to cope with the real world. These group meetings help the individual create a level of comfort with the fact that they are in recovery, and this greatly helps the process. Group meetings are also a great treatment depression, and help individuals to get their lives back on track.

you don't need medication assisted addiction treatment

Will I Need Medication for Addiction Treatment?

Drug and alcohol dependence is a very serious thing, and addiction has a lot of physical effects on the body. People often feel that there is no need for treatment using drugs, but this is not true. Withdrawal, for example, can have very adverse effects on the body and can even be fatal if someone decides to quit cold turkey. Medication is used to help addicts wean off of drugs slowly and safely. Everyone has their own specific needs and at The Discovery House, your care and your recovery needs are always put first. Sometimes, during recovery, this includes medication for alcohol dependence. Staying away from proper medication, should your treatment plan require it, would only prolong the recovery process.

Remember, no two people are exactly alike when it comes to their needs in addiction treatment. Sharing and connecting through similar experiences is great for anyone in drug addiction recovery but that doesn’t mean everyone has to follow the same path. The treatment specialists at The Discovery House will help you or your loved one assess your situation and your needs, then help to devise a treatment plan that would be most effective for you.