The Truth About Molly: What Is It and The Risks | The Discovery House
The Truth About Molly: What Is It and The Risks

The Truth About Molly: What Is It and The Risks

What is Molly?

Molly is the slang term for a synthetic drug that significantly alters your mood and perception upon consumption. MDMA is the technical name for the drug 3.4-methylenedioxy methamphetamine. Although it is a synthetic drug, Molly has chemical similarities with hallucinogens and stimulants. 

You can find MDMA drugs in various forms, including tablets, capsules, powder, and liquid, having a different name for each form. Typically, Molly refers to MDMA in the form of a powder. Molly is also the slang abbreviation for the term ‘molecular.’ This is due to the drug’s potency, and pure MDMA is crystallized as a result.

Furthermore, Molly is available in two different forms: capsules and regular powder. This means that you can swallow the powder Molly capsule with water or get it in the powder form directly. The way to use the latter is to snort the powder.

Lately, Molly is becoming more popular in environments of festivals, parties, concerts, etc. Keep reading if you want to learn more about this popular MDMA drug. 

Table of Contents

What's in Molly?

MDMA drugs come in a variety of forms and shapes. These typically include XTC, Ecstasy, and Molly. Reports by the National Institute on Drug Abuse suggest that MDMA drugs are effective at altering the mood and perception of objects surrounding a person. 

Not to mention, it also takes the drug user to a state of ‘high’ like amphetamines, and other stimulants do. Usually, drugs like MDMA can also cause a person to experience similar hallucinations as those of LSD and mescaline, etc.

Drugs like Molly often undergo cutting with other drugs. This can affect the impact of the drug on the mind and body.

• 3,4 methylenedioxy methamphetamine (MDA)
• Synthetic cathinone (bath salts) such as MPP, MDPV, methylone (M1), 4-MEC, mephedrone (4-MMC) and Pentedrone
• Caffeine• para-Methoxyamphetamine (PMA)


It often becomes hard to recognize the cause behind cases of hospitalization from Molly’s abuse. This is especially because of the synthetic drug that it may be cut with. The potential for addiction and abuse regarding MDMA drugs vary depending on the form and cutting drugs. But MDMA can cause mental and physical health issues in its purest form as well. 

What is The Difference between Molly and X?

It was later in the 1960s when MDMA became a street drug, and it wasn’t until 1970 when researchers in Chicago first detected it in the lab. Nevertheless, MDMA drugs are now a popular party drug in the US. Initially, X or Ecstasy was the only MDMA drug until Molly was introduced. 

Molly is basically an abbreviation for molecular, suggesting that it is a pure form of MDMA drug. The fact that Molly came out later in time implies that the difference between Ecstasy and Molly lies somewhere in what the two forms of MDMA contain. While both Molly and X contain the active chemical MDMA, Molly is believed to be a purer version.

Additionally, both Molly and Ecstasy come in different forms. Usually, Molly powder comes in capsules that can be swallowed with water, while you can also buy the powder and snort it. On the other hand, Ecstasy usually comes in the form of tablets. Some people also prefer to crush X tablets and snort the powder. 

Common street names for MDMA drugs like Molly and Ecstasy are:

• E
• X
• Adam
• Clarity
• Biscuit
• Disco Biscuit
• Beans
• Hug Drug
• Eve
• Lover’s Speed 
• Peace 


National Institute on Drug abuse for Molly

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, MDMA causes altered mood and perception states.

It takes around 15 minutes after consumption for any MDMA drug, including Molly enter the bloodstream. This is when the stimulants and hallucinogens begin to affect the brain and, ultimately, the physical energy levels. 

Once the drug reaches its peak, MDMA stimulates the release of and increases the activity of three neurotransmitters. These are:

Serotonin is responsible is a chemical that is responsible for affecting mood, sleep, feelings of pain, appetite, sleep, sexual activity, etc. Consumption of MDMA leads to extra serotonin in the brain, which helps in lifting moods. It also makes MDMA users feel more alert and hyper initially. 

Serotonin is also the chemical that is responsible for altered perceptions like time. Additionally, the high release of serotonin also triggers the increased production of vasopressin and oxytocin, which play a role in increasing feelings of trust, sexual arousal, and love. 


Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for developing and increasing energy and activity. Upon consumption of Molly, the user is very likely to experience high energy levels and reinforced behaviors. Dopamine also controls motivation, movement, and emotions. 

Not to mention, it also affects the intensity of pleasurable sensations. Not to forget, the increased release of dopamine by Molly is also directly linked with continued cravings for MDMA. 


Norepinephrine is responsible for increasing blood pressure and heart. Increased production of this neurotransmitter can pose serious health risks, especially for people with heart and blood vessel health. 


What Are The Side Effects of Molly?

Some Molly users also experience negative side effects due to the increased release and high activity of the above-mentioned neurotransmitters. For instance, they may get sweaty or have chills, feel dizzy or even faint and become agitated and anxious. 

Not all users experience the adverse of Molly during use. In fact, many others face side effects even weeks after Molly’s consumption.

• Anxiety
• Paranoia
• Depression
• Confusion
• Aggression
• Disturbed sleep cycle
• Irritability 
• Drug craving
• Overdose

• Tremors
• Nausea
• Increased alertness and activity
• High blood pressure and heart rate
• Involuntary Teeth clenching
• Muscle tension
• Cramps
• Dizziness and faintness
• Chills
• Sweating
• Blurry vision

Typically, the short-term side effects of Molly only last for as long as 3 to 6 hours. However, these may also linger for days and weeks among some users.


Long-Term Effects of Molly

High doses and continuous drug use of MDMA can also have a variety of adverse long-term effects on your physical and psychological health. 

Increased Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Molly stimulates the increased production and high activity of a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. This chemical is responsible for raising the heart rate and blood pressure sharply. 

Usually, users of Molly experience this as strong palpitations. Such an intense increase is often risky for people with underlying heart-related health conditions. 

Psychological and Brain Function Issues

Molly is commonly referred to as a party drug as it enhances feelings of pleasure, empathy, sexual arousal, and euphoria. However, increased activity of the same neurotransmitters that cause these can produce a range of side effects for the brain. 

Once neurotransmitter levels drop back and the short-term effects wear off, the brain begins to experience deficiency. This can result in both mood issues and memory problems for several days after Molly’s consumption.

Not to mention, these symptoms can also become chronic upon regular use of this drug. 

Risky Sexual Behavior

Molly is commonly referred to as a party drug as it enhances feelings of pleasure, empathy, sexual arousal, and euphoria. However, increased activity of the same neurotransmitters that cause these can produce a range of side effects for the brain. 

Once neurotransmitter levels drop back and the short-term effects wear off, the brain begins to experience deficiency. This can result in both mood issues and memory problems for several days after Molly’s consumption.

Not to mention, these symptoms can also become chronic upon regular use of this drug. 

Elevated Body Temperature

MDMA drugs like Molly and Ecstasy are also responsible for disrupting the temperature regulation of the body. The fact that Molly is most used in crowded environments like clubs, parties, and concerts also contributes to this effect.

A sudden rise in body temperatures is incredibly risky as it can cause organ failures, especially affecting the liver, kidneys, and heart. Usually, this is a result of severe dehydration caused by hyperthermia. 

Addiction to Molly

Animal research suggests that the MDMA drug Molly can also be quite addictive for its users. Using this drug on a regular basis is very likely to cause an addiction that is extremely difficult to recover from. In fact, people with an addiction to this drug continue to crave the drug and often end up overdosing. 

Beyond the long-term consequences and side effects of Molly, addiction and continued usage can also call for withdrawal symptoms. 

In case you develop Molly addiction, it will quickly become hard for you to survive without the drug. Many users experience withdrawal symptoms when their bodies don’t get the drug. These symptoms typically include:

• Concentration problems
• Loss of appetite
• Depression
• Fatigue

How Long is the Comedown from Molly?

A comedown refers to the wearing off of drug effects, making it quite like a form of acute withdrawal. Basically, a comedown is the body’s way of reflecting the presence of toxins. You are likely to experience a drug comedown after your body detects the poisoning and tries to restore the normal balance. This is the reason why people feel light-headed and have a strong urge to lie down.

Many times, a comedown may feel good and pleasant, but a gentle landing is not always the case. In fact, drug comedowns largely depend on the type of drug you’re using and its amount, as well as your body’s response. This suggests that drug comedowns can vary from drug to drug and person to person. 

In simple words, the term ‘comedown’ refers to the set of symptoms that a drug abuser experiences around 2 to 3 days after using stimulant drugs like Molly. Usually, this is similar to drug withdrawal that alcohol users experience during a hangover.

You are likely to experience a comedown from Molly once you develop some sort of dependence on the MDMA drug. Specifically, with Molly, comedowns are a result of drastic falls in chemicals like serotonin. An MDMA comedown is a bit different than other drugs. Lasting between 2 to 3 days involves symptoms of depression, nausea, high body temperatures, and an increase in blood pressure. 

Depending on the chemical in question, the effects on Molly vary, and she may exhibit bizarre behaviors and jaw clenching. These are the most common signs of identifying Molly’s addiction. Other times, users find it hard to get out of bed after the effects of the illicit drug wear off.

• Failing to meet work and academic deadlines

• Not meeting familial and other responsibilities

• Getting involved in unsafe sexual activities under the influence of Molly

• Increased rate of health issues

• Reduced personal hygiene

• Financial issues

• Unexplainable behavioral changes

• Intense cravings for Molly

• Urge to use Molly regularly

• Using Molly despite experiencing side effects

• Developing drug tolerance and increasing use

• Spending extending periods of time recovering from MDMA use

• Difficulty and failure while trying to quit

• Experiencing withdrawal symptoms from not using the drug

• Consuming more Molly than planned

• Ensuring enough drug supply at all times

• Spending more money on Molly than the budget

How to Get Help if You or Someone is Addicted to Molly?

Making it clear, there is absolutely no medical treatment for tackling addiction to any MDMA drug, including Molly. However, many people do find behavioral therapy to be helpful even though there is not enough research to support this treatment option.

A withdrawal is common among Molly addicts, whereas teens with MDMA addiction feel a strong urge to continue use. If you have identified the addiction, the first step to recovery is detoxification. This helps the body get rid of harmful toxins resulting in decreased withdrawal symptoms.

As mentioned earlier, getting rid of Molly’s addiction is tough, and an attempt usually only results in over-dosage. This is the reason why it is important to take the matter into your own hands when a loved one suffers from MDMA addiction. 

You can pass on the responsibility to treatment professionals at our meth addiction treatment program center that can provide counseling and behavioral therapy for drug addicts. These methods help an addict cope with withdrawal and move on from the damage that the drug has already caused

Particularly for young men, in-patient rehabilitation is an important next step to obtaining complete recovery from drug abuse. Watchful care and medical assistance ensure a safe environment so that the patient does not get involved in drug activity or unsafe sex again.


In summary, Molly is an MDMA drug form that is believed to be the purest. Also known as the ‘party drug,’ Molly lifts the mood and energy levels and creates feelings of empathy, euphoria, and pleasure. The drug works to provide such feelings due to the presence of stimulants and hallucinogens that increase the release and activity of neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

Molly has a variety of side effects, from short-term to long-term effects, as well as withdrawal and comedown symptoms. It is important to seek professional help in case of addiction as continuous use of Molly can also lead to organ failure. 

Here at The Discovery House , we understand addiction and its effects on individuals and families. Our team of professionals is standing by to help those affected by addiction get the treatment they need to start living a sober life. Contact us today to learn more about our individualized programs and how we can help you or your loved ones recover from addiction.