The Discovery House Admin, Author at The Discovery House Los Angeles CA - Page 14 of 15

Author: The Discovery House Admin

The 12 Days of Christmas and the 12 Steps

The 12 Days of Christmas and the 12 Steps

The “Twelve Days of Christmas” we know today was adapted from an 18th century French holiday carol meant to ring in the New Year. Today our holiday traditions typically involve crowded shopping malls and overindulgent winter celebrations. This can be a time of year that those in recovery anticipate with some anxiety. According to the...

The Hidden Benefits of Dandelion Tea

The Hidden Benefits of Dandelion Tea

What typically comes to mind when thinking of dandelions are the little yellow-flowered weeds which seem to grow sometimes in the unlikeliest of places. The benefits of dandelion tea however, are as surprising as finding the plant is edible to begin with. Dandelion flowers, leaves, and roots are all edible, and it is generally considered...

The Benefits of Vitamin B-Complex to Recovering Addicts

The Benefits of Vitamin B-Complex to Recovering Addicts

While substance abuse creates an illusory sense of temporary well-being, in the end, it can severely damage physical, psychological, and spiritual health. Research has shown that individuals with substance addictions may very likely be suffering from an assortment of one or more metabolic disorders such as hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, vitamin B deficiency, and mineral deficiencies. The...

The Hidden Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Hidden Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

It has long been known that an abundance of specific nutrients can positively affect cognitive processes, emotions, and various aspects of the body’s functioning. The benefits of apple cider vinegar have been described as being an especially helpful health tonic and you can find it in both the condiment and health supplement aisles of your...

The Emotional Roller Coaster and the Pink Cloud

The Emotional Roller Coaster and the Pink Cloud

Achieving sobriety is a remarkable relief for those who struggle with addiction. When desperate circumstances provoke an honest desire to seek help overcoming addiction, there is a great freedom from the control of a substance, and joy in finally taking the right steps forward. Why then, is “pink cloud” the term often used to describe...

9 Components of a NA Meeting

9 Components of a NA Meeting

Being informed about NA meetings (narcotics anonymous) before going will help ease the jitters of attending for the first time. Remember everyone in the room has had to walk through the door a first time. While each meeting leader may change up the format and order of the components, this is a general idea of what...

The Damaging Long Term Effects of Meth

The Damaging Long Term Effects of Meth

Methamphetamine is highly addictive drug and can be fatal. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the long-term effects of Meth produce functional and molecular changes in the brain as well as psychotic behavior in the form of: Anxiety Confusion Insomnia Mood swings Violent behavior Paranoia Hallucinations Memory loss Unhealthy weight loss A decrease...

Narcotics Anonymous 12 Steps to a New Life

Narcotics Anonymous 12 Steps to a New Life

The Discovery House believes that the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous program is an effective tool in ensuring long-term recovery success.   Similar to the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program, Narcotics Anonymous includes attending regular meetings to obtain on-going support during long-term recovery to a life free of substance abuse. 12-step programs have realized great success...


More Will Be Revealed

If you’ve been in a 12-step program any length of time, you have heard that recovery is a process, not an event. This is true, but it is also true –in a very real sense –that sobriety is an event. Recovery is an ongoing, lifelong, daily process. Getting sober is something that happens in an...